Best of everything in 2019

The things I enjoyed the most and why

Aki Ranin


I’m generally a bit of a dork about quantification. Bit of a dork generally, if I’m honest. So I enjoy analyzing and measuring and recording things I do. Some part of it is for optimizing, but a large part is just for… knowing. My brain is wired like that. Not knowing is painful. Knowing is good.

So I thought I’d add a qualitative touch to the statistics I posted earlier about 2019. Rather than just numbers, I’d share some perspective on my personal highlights of the year. It might help you find something interesting to do or experience, or buy.

For convenience, I’ve divided these into three categories: content you can consume, products you can buy, and experiences you can have. I’ve thrown in some favorite photos from 2019 for fun.

NOTE: I don’t get paid by anyone to recommend anything, so any links I provide are for your enjoyment purely. Enjoy!

Content you can consume

Best Book: Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Total books read: 31 (17,095 pages)

If I look at my ratings on, it looks like I read lots of great books in 2019. The most 5-star ratings I’ve ever given in a year, so I’ve decided to list all of the top-rated books here with several honorable mentions. Generally, the most I’ve read in any single year. The only period that surpassed this volume was the summer of 2013 when…



Aki Ranin

Thinks about the future a lot. Founder of two startups. Lives in Singapore.