Aki RaninMandatory reading for EntrepreneursSo you read the #startup bestsellers? I didn’t. You wasted your time. Sell them on to the next sucker. Here’s what you need to read…Oct 6, 2019Oct 6, 2019
Aki RaninWhy Fintech sucks in 2019Right now, Fintech is one of the hottest areas in all of Startupdom. It’s like a gold rush for entrepreneurs looking to get rich quick…Oct 4, 20191Oct 4, 20191
Aki RaninIs Deepmind too expensive at $500M a year?There have been several media articles the past few days scoffing at the $500M annual loss that Deepmind is making for its owner Google.Aug 14, 20192Aug 14, 20192
Aki RaninUnqualified advice for those who want more out of lifeI may not be old and wise enough to be giving advice to other people. So I probably shouldn’t try. I haven’t achieved anything of real…Aug 13, 20191Aug 13, 20191
Aki RaninSearching for scaleI recently closed the show at the first APIdays event in Singapore, and given the rather obvious theme of the event, I wanted to talk…May 10, 2019May 10, 2019
Aki RaninThe Startup NarrativeAs a startup founder, you have to go through a specific thought process in terms of why and how it makes sense to do startups, as opposed…Apr 4, 2019Apr 4, 2019
InBambubyAki RaninThe Selfless StartupLet me start things off by declaring that I’m not a people person. Always been more of a numbers guy, clearly a natural introvert. I’ve…Jan 23, 20194Jan 23, 20194
InBambubyAki RaninSo you want to be an entrepreneur?A while back, I wrote an email to a potential candidate about joining our team. If you’re thinking about starting your own company, joining…May 7, 2018May 7, 2018
InBambubyAki RaninNobel, Fintech and WeChat: My week in ChinaLast week, I experienced 4 cities in 5 days across China as part of the Global Fintech Summit. I was invited by InTeahouse Inc., an…Mar 24, 2018Mar 24, 2018
Aki RaninToday I launched my first app! Here’s what it takes.I just published an app. My own app. This is my entire, unedited journey through that process, which in my case took a whopping 3 years…Mar 2, 2018Mar 2, 2018
InBambubyAki RaninSurviving your startupA now widely circulated and famous article by Inc. magazine titled The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship unveils the truth behind the…Jan 25, 2018Jan 25, 2018